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Upon arrival, I had an insatiable hunger to understand those Big Life Questions: What's the meaning of life? What happens when we die? Who am I and why am I here?


Cliched, superficial, faith-based answers left me more frustrated.


After receiving a dual degree in Fine Art and Special Education, I religion hopped, studied philosophy and Eastern thought, attended scores of personal development trainings and spiritually based courses. 



They all sounded good, offered lofty promises, but the exhilaration was short lived. I still craved answers and applicable tools to navigate life, ways to manage my negativity, skepticism and constant triggering. 


While attending a course to develop channeling abilities, I was approached by a fellow student asking me to “teach her what I know.” Even after years of studying, I still believed I was just a seeker. But, out came spontaneous words that changed my life forever: "Sure, I'd love to! Bring your friends!"


​When she and ten of her friends arrived in my living room, I learned to trust the directives I received intuitively. I created an empowering inner-process that guided students to discover and neutralize origins of self-sabotaging, programmed, limiting beliefs and triggers. 


​From that small group, my Perfect Life Awakening Program was birthed. Now, four decades later, I've worked with thousands of people from all walks of life, helping them resolve pain, anger, fear, confusion, frustration, guilt and hopelessness. They awaken a permanent spiritual connection, discover and embrace a life of meaning, allow themselves to openly accept self-love, personal empowerment and an authentic sense of deservingness.  


​I work with psychologists who use my methods with clients, teachers who utilize it with students, parents who teach it to their children, couples who apply it to enhance their relationships and leaders who employ it with their teams. 


​There is nothing I'm more passionate about than sharing my discoveries to help people awaken to who they really are.


Enroll in the next Perfect Life Awakening course "Transform Self Sabotage!"


"Royce, I want to shout to the world how wonderful you are! You open hearts! You open them and plant seeds of YES!!!!  You and your PLA classes gave me the strength to get through one of the hardest years of my life. PLA gave me the strength to allow love into my life, love that sustains. Love that has grown, spreading thick roots and exploding into a mighty tree - hard to topple...with big, full limbs to protect all beneath them. A beautiful, steadfast tree who has learned to bend before she breaks, to drink in the love, and to sometimes simply BE. Thank you, Royce. thank you for offering the golden ring. Thank you for not turning away when I repeatedly bit the hand. Thank you for PLA and the gifts it brings. I LOVE YOU! It's easy!"  - C.M.

"Royce is an authentic channel of consciousness!"'

- Donna Duffield, Prophet of Love podcast host

"Royce's information is so valuable it is worth the whole of humanity to deserve to learn it.  She is a guru, a healing master. It is all in her. "


- Jacqui Stratton, M. Ed, Educator 

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