It’sPerfect You AreHere!

More than four decades ago, the direction my life was supposed to take was delivered to me in a clear, insistent, intuitive message. Despite a slew of fears and self-doubt, I trusted and followed this “commanding nudge.”

Unsolicited information began to download, information that answered all the Big Questions I’d been asking my entire life. Then, my own life began to shift in remarkable, miraculous ways.

People sensed something different about me and asked me to teach them what I knew. Then, they started referring their friends. Soon, I was teaching full-time.

A perfect title for what I was imparting also arrived intuitively: Perfect Life Awakening. I was led to open a spiritual center in Redondo Beach, California.

Today, I’ve worked with thousands searching for spiritual meaning through powerful, permanent methods. By applying this inner work, they’ve learned ways to neutralize the subconscious origins of what’s been holding them back and started trusting their innate inner wisdom. They began living awakened, empowered, deserving and joy-filled lives minus spiritual bypass techniques or “magical” solutions.

I call myself “The Awakener” because that’s what happens in my Perfect Life Awakening program. I’m the author of three books about my teachings, a contributing columnist, keynote speaker, podcast guest and OMTimes Media host of two shows, “The Perfect Life Awakening Show” and “It’s All Mirrors.”

My expertise is in a concept I developed called “Mirroring.” Utilizing this inner tool helps people understand the mechanisms of life, why they are so easily triggered and what gets in the way of living an authentic, purposeful life.  Ultimately, what “mirrors” reflect can help us awaken and remember who we really are – authentic spiritual beings with an important reason for being.

Right now, during this time of extraordinary, worldwide transformation, you deserve to  awaken and live a life inspired by love rather than fear.

Contact me for a free consultation to see if this work is right for you.

Uncover and celebrate your
True Self…
shift your life from the roots.